Auto Blogging - Is It Worth It In 2013

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Auto blogging is one of the most frequently misunderstood concepts in Internet marketing. So many people believe that you can truly get a "set it and forget it" auto blog for a Wordpress site or Blogger blog. The fact of the matter is that auto blogging is not only detrimental to your website content, it is also horrible for your page rank in the search engines. If you don't know what an auto blog is then we'll explain it for you. An auto blog is basically a software program that automatically logs into your blog and posts articles from RSS feeds that you designate. The blogging software will then act like an SEO content writer and post the articles that other people have written onto your blog for you at a designated time.

Sounds great, right? Think again. Auto blogging was a truly remarkable concept when it first cam about almost 4 years ago, but is auto blogging still worth it in the upcoming 2013 fiscal year? The answer is a defiant no. Auto blogging works on the concept that you overload your blog with so much content that Google and the other search engines don't have to time to penalize you because you are posting so much content. Google has found a way around this. Their algorithm is so advanced now that they will trip at the slightest inkling of duplicated content. And with the new Penguin updates, anybody who invested in auto blogging software is feeling the brunt of Google's force.

If you really want to maintain the highest search engine rankings, you need to be updating your blog at least twice a week and creating solid, informative content. Google and the other search engines will continuously come to your blog if they think that you are updating it frequently. Your blog should be the number one source of backlinking to your official webpage and every time that you post a new article you are creating a new footprint on the Internet.

One of the easiest ways to have your blog updated frequently is to hire a freelance content writer. Blog writing services help you create quality content so your blog is constantly offering information to your customers and potential clients. This can help with brand awareness and give you the web traffic needed to make your company successful.

Published by: Terrible Beginnings: A Content Creation Company

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